#!/usr/bin/perl ## move result table header and footer out of this file ## add abillity to sort by title in ascending or desc # just check for a last state and do the opposite ## add specialty rollover (bilingual) ## change everything to hash with ex: ->{TITLE_"some variable"} for language stuff # remove titles from script and place in external file use strict; use CGI qw/:standard :all :cgi-lib/; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use Data::Dumper; #use constant PRIVATE_DIR => "/usr/www/users/fwdserv/CPSNB/t_sfm"; #use constant PRIVATE_DIR => "/usr/home/fwdserv/med_search"; use constant PRIVATE_DIR => "/var/www/vhosts/vagranthosting.com/httpdocs/dev/cpsnb_joomla/med_search"; use constant CONFIG_FILE => PRIVATE_DIR."/config/CONFIG.txt"; use lib PRIVATE_DIR."/Tie/Hash"; use Regex; use lib PRIVATE_DIR."/lib"; use Html; use DBFunctions; use vars qw($CONFIG_FILE); $CONFIG_FILE = CONFIG_FILE; use Error qw($CONFIG_FILE); use constant CHARSET => ("AÀÁÂÃÄÅÆaàáâãäåæ", "CÇcç", "EÈÉÊËeèéêë", "IÌÍÎÏiìíîï", "NÑnñ", "OÒÓÔÕÖØoòóôõöø", "UÙÚÛÜuùúûü", "YÝyý"); sub main { my $rparams = Vars; my $html_obj = new Html(config_file => CONFIG_FILE, params => $rparams); #print header();foreach (sort keys %{$rparams}) { print $_." == ".$rparams->{$_}."
"; } #print "
"; #$html_obj->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE} = 100; # fetch column titles # my %column_titles = fetchColumnTitles(); if (keys %{$rparams}) { my $query_params = buildQuery(html_obj => $html_obj); #print header(); print $query_params; # testing # get the count value # my ($num, $data) = DBFunctions::query(statement => "select count(*) from ". $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{DB_TABLE_NAME}. $query_params, %{$html_obj->get_ConfigData}); my $count = @{$data}[0]->{'count(*)'}; my $footer = $html_obj->parseHtml(gui => ($html_obj->get_Params->{lang} eq "fr") ? $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{FOOTER_FR_GUI} : $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{FOOTER_EN_GUI}); # no results if count = 0 # if ($count < 1) { my $gui = $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{NO_RESULT_EN_GUI}; $gui = $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{NO_RESULT_FR_GUI} if ($html_obj->get_Params->{lang} eq "fr"); my $query_data = fetchQueryString(txt_file => $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{PARAM_LIST_TXT}, %{$html_obj->get_Params}); delete($query_data->{lang}); print header(), $html_obj->parseHtml(gui => $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{HEADER_GUI}, TITLE => $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{"TITLE_".$html_obj->get_Params->{lang}}, HEADER_IMAGE => $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{"HEADER_IMAGE_".$html_obj->get_Params->{lang}}), $html_obj->parseHtml(gui => $gui, query_string => join("&", map { $_."=".$query_data->{$_} } keys %{$query_data})), $footer, end_html; exit; } # round down any limit to the next multiple of HITS_PER_PAGE # # if a user tries to modify the limit value, this should fix the problem # $html_obj->get_Params->{limit} = 0 if ($html_obj->get_Params->{limit} < 1); $html_obj->get_Params->{limit} = $count if ($html_obj->get_Params->{limit} > $count); $html_obj->get_Params->{limit} -= ($html_obj->get_Params->{limit} % $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE}); # calc next limit # my $limit = 0; if ($html_obj->get_Params->{submit} eq $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{BACK_BUTTON_EN} || $html_obj->get_Params->{submit} eq $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{BACK_BUTTON_FR}) { $limit = $html_obj->get_Params->{limit} - $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE}; } elsif ($html_obj->get_Params->{submit} eq $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{NEXT_BUTTON_EN} || $html_obj->get_Params->{submit} eq $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{NEXT_BUTTON_FR}) { $limit = $html_obj->get_Params->{limit} + $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE}; } else { $limit = $html_obj->get_Params->{limit}; } # don't allow drop below zero # $limit = 0 if ($limit <= 0); # don't allow queries for more than the data which exists # # this removes the final page appearing with no data # $limit -= $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE} if ($limit >= $count); # update the limit param value with the new limit value incase it is used later # $html_obj->get_Params->{limit} = $limit; my $last_displayed = $html_obj->get_Params->{limit} + $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE}; $last_displayed = $count if ($last_displayed > $count); my $for_download = 0; if ($html_obj->get_Params->{submit} eq $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{DOWNLOAD_BUTTON}) { $for_download = 1; } # fetch the data # my $stmt = "select * from ".$html_obj->get_ConfigData->{DB_TABLE_NAME}.$query_params; $stmt .= " limit ".($limit||0).",".$html_obj->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE} unless $for_download; my ($num, $data) = DBFunctions::query(statement => $stmt, %{$html_obj->get_ConfigData}); my $result_table = createResultTable(html_obj => $html_obj, for_download => $for_download, from => ($limit + 1), to => $last_displayed, of => $count, column_titles => \%column_titles, data => $data); ## for excel download ## if ($for_download) { #print header(-type=>"text/excel", '-Content-disposition'=>"inline; filename=\"db.xls\""); print header(-type=>"application/vnd.ms-excel; charset=utf-8", '-Content-disposition'=>"attachment; filename=\"db.csv\""); # this didnt' work: $result_table = ' $result_table =~ s/\/ /ig; # clean up download and convert to csv $result_table =~ s{<\!--.*?-->||||||||}{}ig; # escape any existing commas $result_table =~ s{,}{}ig; $result_table =~ s{(|)\n}{,}ig; $result_table =~ s{(|)\n}{,}ig; $result_table =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $result_table =~ s/^\s*\n//mg; $result_table =~ s/,+$//gm; $result_table =~ s/,\s\s/,/g; $result_table =~ s/\ //g; #$result_table =~ s/\d\d//ig; print $result_table; #print @{$data}; exit; } my $scroll = createScroll(html_obj => $html_obj, count => $count) unless ( $count <= $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE}); my $nav = $html_obj->parseHtml(gui => $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{NAV_GUI}, HIDDEN_PARAMS => join("",@{fetchHiddenParams(html_obj => $html_obj)}), SCROLL => ($scroll||""), BACK_BUTTON => ($html_obj->get_Params->{lang} eq "fr") ? $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{BACK_BUTTON_FR} : $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{BACK_BUTTON_EN}, NEXT_BUTTON => ($html_obj->get_Params->{lang} eq "fr") ? $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{NEXT_BUTTON_FR} : $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{NEXT_BUTTON_EN}, ) unless ( $count <= $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE}); print header(),#$html_obj->get_Params->{submit},$html_obj->get_ConfigData->{DOWNLOAD_BUTTON}, $html_obj->parseHtml(gui => $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{HEADER_GUI}, TITLE => $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{"TITLE_".$html_obj->get_Params->{lang}}, HEADER_IMAGE => $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{"HEADER_IMAGE_".$html_obj->get_Params->{lang}}), $html_obj->parseHtml(gui => $html_obj->get_ConfigData->{RESULT_GUI}, CONTENT => $result_table.$nav), $footer, end_html; #foreach (keys %{$html_obj->get_Params}) { print $_." == ".$html_obj->get_Params->{$_}."
"; } exit; } #$# NO SUBMISSION #$# print redirect($html_obj->get_ConfigData->{DEFAULT_MAIN}); } main(); sub fetchColumnTitles { return ( en => { t_region => "Region", t_first=> "First Name", t_last => "Last Name", t_address1 => "Address 1", t_address2 => "Address 2", t_city => "City", t_prov => "Province", t_postal_code => "Postal Code", t_specialty => "Specialty", t_license => "Lic#", t_school => "Medical School", t_grad_year => "Grad Year", t_telephone => "Tel#", t_fax => "Fax#", t_email => "Email Address", t_atlantic => "Atlantic Registry", t_home_province => "Home Province", t_id => "id", }, fr => { t_region => "Région", t_first => "Prénom", t_last => "Nom de Famille", t_address1 => "Adress 1", t_address2 => "Adress 2", t_city => "Ville", t_prov => "Province", t_postal_code => "Code Postal", t_specialty => "Spécialité", t_license => "Permis", t_school => "École Médicale", t_grad_year => "Année de repére", t_telephone => "Tél", t_fax => "Fax", t_email => "Courriel", t_atlantic => "la Registre de l'Atlantique", t_home_province => "Province d'origine", t_id => "id", }, ); } # display results # sub createResultTable { my %args = @_; # language switch # my $lang_gui = $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{LANG_EN_GUI}; $lang_gui = $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{LANG_FR_GUI} if ($args{html_obj}->get_Params->{lang} eq "fr"); my $query_data = fetchQueryString(txt_file => $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{PARAM_LIST_TXT}, %{$args{html_obj}->get_Params}); delete($query_data->{lang}); my $table = $args{html_obj}->parseHtml(gui => $lang_gui, query_string => join("&", map { $_."=".$query_data->{$_} } keys %{$query_data}), %{$args{html_obj}->get_Params}, %args); $table = "" if ($args{for_download}); # move this to a gui # $table .= ""; # column titles # my $lang = "en"; $lang = "fr" if ($args{html_obj}->get_Params->{lang} eq "fr"); my $query_data = fetchQueryString(txt_file => $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{PARAM_LIST_TXT}, %{$args{html_obj}->get_Params}); delete($query_data->{sort}); $table .= $args{html_obj}->parseHtml(gui => $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{TITLES_GUI}, query_string => join("&", map { $_."=".$query_data->{$_} } keys %{$query_data}), %{$args{column_titles}->{$lang}}); # fill in the blanks # foreach my $hash (@{$args{data}}) { map { s/^\s*$/ /g } values %{$hash}; $hash->{"license"} =~ s/^.*?-/ /gi if ($args{for_download}); $table .= $args{html_obj}->parseHtml(gui => $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{RECORD_GUI}, %{$hash}); } return $table."
"; } sub createScroll { my %args = @_; my $scroll = ""; my $start = ($args{html_obj}->get_Params->{limit} - ($args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE} * (int(sprintf("%d",$args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE}/2))))); # if result total less than hits**2, then don't dial $start = 0 if ($start < 1); $start = 0 if ($args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE}**2 > $args{count}); my $end = ($args{html_obj}->get_Params->{limit} + ($args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE} * (int(sprintf("%d",$args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE}/2))))); $end = ($args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE}**2) if ($end < $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE}**2); for (my $i = $start;$i < $args{count};$i += $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE}) { # don't display results futher than $end # # this value is used for the dial # last if ($i >= $end); # calc current iter # my $iter = int(sprintf("%d", $i / $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE})) + 1; # create scroll button (numbered links) - unlink the current page # my $gui = $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{SCROLL_GUI}; $gui = $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{CURRENT_GUI} if ($iter eq (($args{html_obj}->get_Params->{limit} + $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE}) / $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{HITS_PER_PAGE})); # create final link from gui # $scroll .= " | " if $scroll; my $query_data = fetchQueryString(txt_file => $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{PARAM_LIST_TXT}, %{$args{html_obj}->get_Params}); delete($query_data->{limit}); $scroll .= $args{html_obj}->parseHtml(gui => $gui, query_string => join("&", map { $_."=".$query_data->{$_} } keys %{$query_data}), %{$args{html_obj}->get_Params}, limit => $i, DISPLAY => $iter); } return $scroll; } sub fetchQueryString { my %args = @_; my %params = (); open (FH, "<".$args{txt_file}) or die "Could not open txt file ".$args{txt_file}.". $!."; while () { chomp; $params{$_} = $args{$_}; } return \%params; } sub fetchHiddenParams { my %args = @_; my @params = (); open (FH, "<".$args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{PARAM_LIST_TXT}) or die "Could not open txt file ".$args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{FIELD_LIST_TXT}.". $!."; while () { chomp; push @params, $args{html_obj}->parseHtml(gui => $args{html_obj}->get_ConfigData->{HIDDEN_GUI}, name => $_, value => $args{html_obj}->get_Params->{$_}); } return \@params; } # need alpha lookup table # sub charLookup { my $char = shift; ## regex doesn't work well with perl meta chars, so we simply return ## my $charset = join("",CHARSET); return $char if (($char=~/\W/) && ($charset!~/\Q$char\E/)); my %charset; tie %charset, 'Tie::Hash::Regex'; %charset = map { $_ => $_ } CHARSET; return $charset{$char} || (uc($char).lc($char)); } sub buildQuery { my %args = @_; my $query = ""; # search by name # if (my $name = $args{html_obj}->get_Params->{'last name'}) { ## split name on blanks # remove slashes - also does unquotemeta # $name=~s{\/|\\}{}sg; $name=~s/[\,\.]//g; # remove commas and periods $name = $args{html_obj}->stripLTspace($name); $name =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g; #foreach my $val (split " ", $name) { if ($query) { $query.=" and " } else { $query.=" where " } # convert each character to its 'or' equivalent # $name=~s/(.)/"[".charLookup($1)."]"/eg; #$query .= "first_name regexp \".*".$val.".*\""; $query .= " or "; $query .= "last_name regexp \".*".$name.".*\""; #} } if (my $name = $args{html_obj}->get_Params->{'first name'}) { ## split name on blanks # remove slashes - also does unquotemeta # $name=~s{\/|\\}{}sg; $name=~s/[\,\.]//g; # remove commas and periods $name = $args{html_obj}->stripLTspace($name); $name =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g; #foreach my $val (split " ", $name) { if ($query) { $query.=" and " } else { $query.=" where " } # convert each character to its 'or' equivalent # $name=~s/(.)/"[".charLookup($1)."]"/eg; #$query .= "first_name regexp \".*".$val.".*\""; $query .= " or "; $query .= "first_name regexp \".*".$name.".*\""; #} } # search by region (multiple) # if (my $region = $args{html_obj}->get_Params->{region}) { if ($query) { $query.=" and " } else { $query.=" where " } $query .= "(".join(" or ", map{ "region = \"".$_."\"" } split(", ",$region)).")"; } # search by city # if (my $city = $args{html_obj}->get_Params->{city}) { if ($query) { $query.=" and " } else { $query.=" where " } $query .= "city like \"%".$city."%\""; } # search by specialty (multiple) # if (my $specialty = $args{html_obj}->get_Params->{specialty}) { if ($query) { $query.=" and " } else { $query.=" where " } #$query .= "(".join(" or ", map{ "specialty like \"%".$_."%\"" } split(", ",$specialty)).")"; #$query .= "(".join(" or ", map{ "specialty like \"".(($_!~/^\s*$/)?"$_%":())."\"" } split(", ",$specialty)).")"; $query .= "(".join(" or ", map{ "specialty like \"".(($_!~/^\s*$/)?"%$_%":())."\"" } split(", ",$specialty)); # this is specifically for Family Physicians where you can have a special license but no specialty designation with the record if ($specialty =~ /^,/) { $query .= " or specialty = \"(SP)\" or specialty = \"(BA)\" or specialty = \"(CL)\""; } $query .= ")"; } # search by metro (multiple) # if (my $metro = $args{html_obj}->get_Params->{metro}) { if ($query) { $query.=" and " } else { $query.=" where " } $query .= "(".join(" or ", map{ "city like \"%".$_."%\"" } split(", ",$metro)).")"; } # sort by # if (my $sort = $args{html_obj}->get_Params->{sort}) { $query .= " order by ".$sort; } return $query; }